6 tips to protect your skin during winter
The following tips can help you reduce chapping and redness that are typical for winter skin.
Posted: 2/8/2018 3:04:05 PM by Zepter International | with 0 comment(s)
The following tips can help you reduce chapping and redness that are typical for winter skin.
Posted: 2/8/2018 3:04:05 PM by Zepter International | with 0 comment(s)
What Causes Premature Skin Aging
As we all know, there are some external factors and daily activities that cause premature facial skin aging, such as pollution, putting make up, sun exposure, weather condition – wind, cold weather, and stress related to our work and lifestyle.
Posted: 1/12/2018 11:19:53 AM by Zepter International | with 0 comment(s)